Domestic violence could happen to anyone, says Rihanna

Pop princess Rihanna recently spoke to Diane Swayer on “Good Morning America”, in a candid interview about the night of the Grammy Awards in February and the events that followed. The singer talked about the event and details of the beating by then boyfriend Chris Brown and cautioned that despite what many believe, domestic violence can happen to anyone.

Following this interview, Glamour Magazine interviewed the singer. In the interview, Rihanna said the already disturbing incident became much worse by the shocking photos of the singer’s bruised and beaten face which leaked online as the investigation progressed. The singer spoke out saying, “That is not a photo you would show to anybody, I felt completely taken advantage of. I felt that people were making it into a fun topic on the internet, and it’s my life.”

The investigation led to 20-year-old Brown, sentenced to five years probation and community service for the attack. Brown has since publicly apologized to the singer and to his fans saying how saddened he is by the events that occurred and that he is seeking help from his family and friends.

Rihanna has put the past few months behind her and is concentrating on the release of her new album “Rated R”. According to Rihanna, The new album has helped the singer to concentrate her energies towards something more productive. She hopes the publicity of what happened to her would encourage others to come forward and fight against domestic violence.